Why I write
In addition to the privilege of serving as a Councilwoman for the Town of Huntington, I am a writer.
I have been writing stories, poems and songs since childhood.
I've also co-authored a couple of books about the history of Huntington's OHEKA Castle.
I am fortunate to have lots of interesting material from which to weave into meaningful narrative.
Some people ask me why I write. My answer: because I must!
I cannot imagine not writing.
I enjoy using my writing skills in government where communication is critical in effectively sharing ideas and information.
My late father, a surgeon and quintessential gentleman, advised me that it was more important to listen than to speak.
I deeply admired dad and always heeded his good advice. As a result, I became an early expert at listening, which in hindsight I now understand was an important skill to develop.
I am especially fortunate to have the opportunity to work with, befriend or simply interact with many inspiring people in my private and public life who have left a lasting impression on me.
You will also find a number of stories here about my parents who had particularly interesting lives and experiences that lend to good storytelling.
At one point, my husband Greg and I have teamed up to write a couple of blogs entitled “We look out the same window. Why don’t we see the same thing?” to illuminate and poke fun at the challenges of relationships. I hope you enjoy these.
Most of all, I use my blog as a venue to share stories, my own as well as those of special people in my life who have touched me.
Thank you for spending this time with me. And please, share your comments on anything you read here. I really enjoy reading them and will always respond.
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